Wereldmuseum opgeleverd
Het Wereldmuseum, één van de mooiste en oudste panden van Rotterdam, is door PoleLed volledig voorzien van nieuwe gevelverlichting. Speciaal voor dit project is er
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Het Wereldmuseum, één van de mooiste en oudste panden van Rotterdam, is door PoleLed volledig voorzien van nieuwe gevelverlichting. Speciaal voor dit project is er
De Jumbo supermarkt in Wageningen is tegenwoordig ook in het donker goed te vinden door haar klanten. De drie vlaggenmasten voor de deur zijn sinds
We will be at LIGHTFAIR International again to show you the best possible way to illuminate flags. Will we see you again? You can find
Tijdens de Light+Building 2016, van 13 t/m 18 maart, werd Frankfurt/Main omgetoverd tot ‘s werelds grootste trefpunt voor de branche voor verlichting, elektrotechniek en huis- en gebouwautomatisering.
On the 3 th, 4 th and 5th of June, LIGHTFAIR International 2014 took place in Las Vegas. Just like during Light + Building and Led
The world museum becomes after the cityhall of Rotterdam the second monumental building in Rotterdam that is going to be enlightened by PoleLed. This will be the first official
The world’s leading trade fair for Architecture and Technology Around 2,300 exhibitors take part in Light+Building at Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre and almost one
On Wednesay 5 and Thursday 6 January LED Expo took place at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. PoleLed was also there and we would like to
THE way to be visible and stand out to (potential) customers and people passing by is to illuminate your banner frame, logo or building with
Commissioned by Limeta we designed a special ground unit. The BannerVision is applicable to all flag poles, but has been especially designed for use at
In 2014, PoleLed will be attending several trade fairs, both national and international. You can find the PoleLed
More and more municipalities choose to illuminate their flag with the PoleLed unit. This unit illuminates our tricolor 360 degrees – that way the flag
After having successfully installed 2 PoleLed units in front of the head office of IKEA Nederland B.V. in Amsterdam we can proudly announce that PoleLed
The use of flags and banners has always been THE way to be better visible. The continuous movement catches the eye and the attention of
Restaurant De Vendel which is located at an authentic farm has a beautiful building that now also is clearly visible by the installation of 2
On November 28 2012 the third edition of the LED Event took place in the 1931 Congrescentrum of the Brabanthallen in Den Bosch. Developers, component
Central government on the flags protocol: Posting and hoisting of the flag A raised flag should never touch the ground or obstruct traffic, even if
RTV Utrecht: DE RONDE VENEN – Officially you have to take the Dutch flag inside when it gets dark, but that’s no longer the case
PoleLed was an exhibitor at the Day of Public Space in Houten. During these days a trade fair took place and lectures on design, layout,
Recently PoleLed installed units at the local IKEA branch. On the photos below you can clearly see the difference between using a floodlight and a
After the succesful installation of 2 PoleLed units at IKEA headquarters in Amsterdam, IKEA Eindhoven decided to also use this sustainable lighting solution to illuminate the
Because we’ve been increasingly being asked if the PoleLed flag lighting unit is also available for anodized flag poles, we decided to include a grey
In collaboration with RCT de Vallei and Luvema Aluminium from Wageningen, PoleLed designed an energy-efficient, sustainable light fixture to illuminate banners in frames. Often these
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Germany, or Das Auswartiges Ambt in Bonn, chose to use the PoleLed flag lighting. The German flag and the
A disadvantage of rotating poles is that there’s no possibility to install the PoleLed flag lighting unit. The cabling will eventually break down because of
KRABBENDIJKE, NL – A couple of red-white-and-blue Dutch country flags in Krabbendijke have been removed by the municipality. The reason is that they weren’t illuminated at